Official web-site of Ukraine "UkraineUA"
Information on entry to Ukraine
Official language: Ukrainian
Capital: Kyiv
Gaining independence: August 24, 1991
Location: Central-Eastern Europe, south-eastern part of the Eastern European Plain, between 44''20 'and 52''20' north latitude and 22''5 'and 41''15' east longitude.
Area: 603,700 km2
Climate: temperate-continental, on the southern coast of Crimea - subtropical, Mediterranean type. In Transcarpathia, the climate is mild, with warm snowless winters and rainy summers.
Average winter temperature: from -8 ° to -12 ° C (from + 17.6 ° F to + 3 ° F). In the southern regions, winter temperatures fluctuate around 0 ° C (+ 32 ° F).
Average summer temperature: from + 18 ° to + 25 ° C (from + 64.4 ° F to + 77 ° F), although during the day it can reach more than + 35 ° C (+ 95 ° F).
The best time to visit Ukraine: summer, late spring and early autumn.
Population: 47,732,079 (density - 80 people / sq. Km.)
Currency: hryvnia (letter code of hryvnia - UAH, digital code - 980, abbreviated name - UAH)
All times are GMT + 2 (UTC + 2)
Top level internet domain: ua
International dialing code: 380